Praktilised kingitused Watch Wear valikust

Praktilised kingitused Watch Wear valikust Uudised Watch Wear
Praktilised kingitused Watch Wear valikust Uudised Watch Wear

Kingiideed Watch Wear valikust


Watch Wear valikust leiad originaalsed ja praktilised kingiideed jõuludeks, sünnipäevadeks ja igaks muuks sündmuseks. Praktilised kingitused, mis on ka meie klientide lemmikuks ostunud, leiad siit postitusest.

Sentimentaalne kingitus Printworks Market valikust

Printworks Market on Rootsi disainbränd, kes on oma fookuse suunanud peamiselt elustiili, kingituste ja aksessuaaride valdkonnale. Brändi ambitsiooniks on muuta igapäevased funktsionaalsed esemed kauniks disainielemendiks, kuid seda kõike taskukohase hinnaga. Koostöös mitmete maailmaklassi illustraatorite ja fotograafidega on loodud ainulaadsed aksessuaarid, kohvilaua raamatud, lauamängud ja muud sisustuselemendid. Toodete stiilne ja minimalistlik disain sobib perfektselt kõikide interjööridega ja huvitav sisu on põnevaks meelelahutuseks külalistele.

Printworks Market fotoalbumid, lauamängud ja pusled on ideaalsed kingitused jõuludeks. Võta hetkeks aeg maha ja veeda meeldivalt aega oma pereliikmete ning lähedaste sõpradega. Boonuseks on kõik Printworks tooted ka elegantseks dekoratiivseks elemendiks sinu kodus.

KINGIIDEE: Täida fotoalbum mälestamistväärt piltidega südamlikuks kingiks lähedastele. Kirjuta fotoalbumi pliiatsitega piltide kõrvale oma head mõtted ja sõnumid.

Praktilised rahakotid ja kaarditaskud Secrid valikust

Moderne industriaalne disain ja funktsionaalne mood kohtuvad Secridi väikestes aksessuaarides. Secridi praktilised ja nutikad kaarditaskud ning rahakotid on valmistatud Hollandis ülima hoolega kvaliteedi, inimeste ja keskkonna suhtes. Secridi alumiinium südamega kaardihoidja tagab kaitse soovimatute kontaktivabade ühenduste eest. Kõik rahakotid on valmistatud Euroopas kasvatatud nahast või kvaliteetsest vegan nahast.

Secrid rahakott või kaarditasku on praktiline ja originaalne kingitus nii mehele kui ka naisele. Valikus on 4 põhimudelit – cardprotector, slimwallet, miniwallet and twinwallet. Kõik mudelid on saadaval kümnetes materjalides ja erinevates värvitoonides, et igale maitsele leiaks õige valiku.

Steamery Stockholm luksuslikud rõivahooldustooted

Steamery Stockholm missiooniks on muuta rõivaste hooldus kergeks, lõbusaks ning mugavaks kõigi jaoks. Nende rõivahooldustoodetes on kombineeritud kõrgtehnoloogia ja minimalistlik disain. Rõivaauruti eemaldab riietelt kortsud, vähendab kangastes elavate bakterite arvu ja pikendab kanga eluiga. Stiilne topieemaldaja eemaldab lihtsalt ja õrnalt kõik topid.

Steamery Stockholm’i soov on inspireerida inimesi oma rõivaste eest paremini hoolt kandma, sest korrektse rõivahoolduse tulemusel kestavad rõivad kauem. Innovatiivsete hooldustoodete abil saad hellitada ja hoolitseda olemasolevate rõivaste eest, selle asemel et osta uusi. Praktiline kingitus, mida oskab hinnata igaüks, kes soovib oma rõivaste eest head hoolt kanda.

Steamery rõivahooldustoodetega on igaüks tõeline rõivahooldusekspert.

Värviline ja originaalne kingitus Happy Socks valikust

Paar värvilisi temaatilisi sokke Happy Socks brändilt lisab särtsu igale riietusele ja toob naeratuse suule. Meeste ja naiste sokid on valmistatud kammitud puuvillast ning laste sokid orgaanilisest puuvillast, millega on tagatud vastpidavus ja kõrge kvaliteet. Sadade erinevate värvikombinatsioonide hulgast leiab sobiva kingituse igale maitsele.

Rains ilmastikukindlad aksessuaarid, seljakotid ja rõivad

Rains on kõrgekvaliteetne Taani vihmariiete ja veekindlate aksessuaaride moebränd, mis on keskendunud oma toodangus just põhjamaisele külmale ja vihmasele kliimale. Kõik Rains tooted on 100% vegan veekindlast materjalist. Rains vihmajoped, talvejoped ja seljakotid on üldjuhul unisex ja sobivad kandmiseks nii meestele kui naistele. Bränd on tugevalt mõjutatud oma skandinaavia päritolust ja praktiseerib kompromissitut lähenemist lihtsusele, mis on juurdunud nii funktsionaalsuses kui ka asjakohasuses.

Rains on moemaailmas kõrgelt hinnatud ja armastatud bränd ning on leidnud oma koha ka tuntud moenädalatel. Brändi vihmajakid, talvejoped ja aksessuaarid on minimalistliku ja puhta disainiga, tänu millele sobituvad tooted iga olukorraga. Bränd on laiendanud oma tootevalikut ning pakub laia valikut talverõivaid ja ilmastikukindlaid aksessuaare, nagu kindad ja talvemütsid.

Praktilised kingitused Orbitkey valikust

Orbitkey võtmehoidjad ja võtmete organiseerijad on inspireeritud modernsest elustiilist ja kaasaaegsest tööstusdisainist. Idee on lihtne – lahendada frustratsioon, mis meil tekib otsides kotisügavustest võtmeid ja segase võtmekimbu pärast, mis telefoniekraani kriibib.

Laias valikus erinevaid kombinatsioone, et leiaksid just endale parima lahenduse võtmete organiseerimiseks. Tootevalikust leiab palju erinevaid lisasid nagu mälupulgad, pudeliavajad ja palju muud. Orbitkey nutikas Chipolo bluetooth-jälitaja aitab sul leida kadunud võtmed. Brändi esteetilise välimusega kinkekomplektid on praktiliseks kingituseks nii meestele kui naistele.

Why we have chosen the sustainable way? Uudised Watch Wear

Why we have chosen the sustainable way?

In today’s consumer society, there has been a significant change in people’s consumption habits. We are increasingly monitoring the impact of our consumption on the environment and paying attention to the origin of our products. Our earth is polluted and this is the result of the mindless consumption of our people. It’s time for a change! Fast wont last.

Why we have chosen the sustainable way? Uudised Watch Wear
Why we have chosen the sustainable way? Uudised Watch Wear

Among young and conscious people, sustainability and the story behind the brand is of growing importance, not just the brand itself. In addition to the above, the legacy of these brands to the world has also become an important component. The guiding idea for every brand, and also for every individual, should be, what is your legacy that you leave behind?

Watch Wear is doing it’s best to meet all the conditions that today’s conscious consumers expect from a brand. We are a unique lifestyle and concept store, whose uniqueness and colourfulness lies behind our unique brands.

Our initial mission was to diversify the selection of fashion goods and accessories with new and interesting brands. But something much more significant has grown out of it.

We care about the environment and people. We expect the same from all our brands. We check that the products in our range are produced in accordance with fair trade practices and as sustainably as possible. Since 2016, we have steadily expanded our product range with brands that have met these conditions.

As the official importer of our brands in the Baltics and Finland, we expand the idea of ​​sustainability among our wholesale partners. Through this, we carry out this mission much more broadly, not only limited to Watch Wear representative stores.

We choose our brands very carefully. Therefore, our product range mainly consist of brands that specialize in specific product groups. This guarantees the best quality and helps to reduce overconsumption.

Why we have chosen the sustainable way? Uudised Watch Wear

Rains has set the direction towards a sustainable future for people and the planet

Our signature brand – Rains – is a Danish brand of rainwear and waterproof accessories that is focused on creating modern weatherproof products. Rains’ raincoats and backpacks are known all over the world for their high quality and minimalistic style. The brand creates highly durable wheaterproof products that are manufactured with both the environment and human well-being in mind.

Rains develops and manufactures modern and comfortable rainwear. Signature to this promise, is a lightweight yet strong polyester fabric backed with a flexible, fluorinate-free polyurethane coating. The fabric is bonded together through ultrasonic welding, ensuring quality, waterproof products. Additionally, all fittings, zippers and trimmings are designed and produced in materials optimized for wet conditions.

The performative, fluorinate-free polyurethane coating ensures water repellency and a long lifetime. The rubber material has a high durability, and with its build-in insulative quality it also has windproof abilities. Rains has specifically chosen the PU-coating as it is significantly more environment-friendly than its hormone disrupting alternatives: PVC and DWR-PFC.

A light woven polyester fiber is used as the backside of the water-repellent PU-coating. Together, the polyester and the PU represents a strong construction that both keeps the fit and keeps you dry. The environmental benefit of polyester is that the synthetic material is completely recyclable.

In line with their animal friendly product pledge, an innovative and high-tech featherless material is replacing natural down in their Thermal puffer jackets. The featherless and loose-fill insulation designed by scientists’ mimics down when dry and is warmer than down when wet. With Rains’ ban of natural down and feather, they are promoting animal welfare and a cruelty-free industry.

Why we have chosen the sustainable way? Uudised Watch Wear

HVISK understands that as a business they can never be sustainable all the way, but step by step they believe that they can make a change.

HVISK recycled vegan handbags, crossbody bags and wallets

One of the newest and most colourful members of Watch Wear family is a Danish accessories brand HVISK. A PETA certified 100% vegan brand, with a strong belief in circular economy.

They offer a wide selection of playful and detail-oriented women’s handbags, crossbody bags and other accessories. HVISK has set itself on a mission to make tomorrow better. They want to discover new alternatives, environmentally friendly materials and production options without harming any animals.

Their sustainable product line “Responsible” uses an extremely durable and long-lasting material made from plastic waste. Despite the fact that the products are made in China and India, they require their manufacturers to comply with the EU-s REACH regulation and strictly control it.

Thinking MU – the sustainable pioneer of Watch Wear family

One of the most important brands that we have to highlight in terms of sustainability is the Barcelona based clothing brand Thinking MU. The brand is a step forward from sustainability and fair trade to full transparency. All products are marked with a special QR code. Scan the code to find out all the information about the ecological footprint and production path of that specific product.

The apparel industry is one of the biggest contributors to global biodiversity loss, which is directly linked to soil degradation, phreatic water contamination, natural ecosystem destruction and environmental pollution, due to the farming of its fibers. Switching to an organic approach that manages water consumption responsibly, avoids use of chemicals and opts for ecologically based pest controls and biological fertilizers is a huge step to reduce the environmental impact and ensure a future for agriculture and generations of farmers to come.

Thinking MU is a real pioneer in the field of sustainability and the circular economy. In addition to organic chemical-free materials, they created a product line called “TRASH”. A part of their zero waste initiative, where new clothing is made from old waste.

The share of clothing and accessories made from organic hemp is growing by each collection. Hemp is a light and breathable, extremely durable material. The plant needs minimal water and fertilizer to grow, does not need pesticides or herbicides, and alkalizes unhealthy soils.

Why we have chosen the sustainable way? Uudised Watch Wear

Thinking MU women’s and men’s clothing is safe for both the environment and the skin.

MUD Jeans, pinqponq, Triwa, Colorful Standard, Le Specs

That’s not the end of our list of sustainable brands. Our product range also includes recycled men’s and women’s jeans from MUD Jeans and Pinqponq backpacks that are made from recycled PET plastic bottles. Triwa’s new collection watches are made of ocean plastic and they recently introduced a new line of watches that use solar power. Colorful Standard clothing is made from 100% organic cotton and from 2022 all woolen items are made from recycled merino wool. Le Sustain collection sunglasses from Le Specs are made from plant based materials.

Sustainability is one of our key values. Visit our representative stores in Tallinn, Riga or Vilnius to explore our entire product range.

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