La Boucle innovatiivsed vööd on loodud reisimiseks ja igapäevaseks kandmiseks. Üks vöö sobib pea kõigile suurustele. Väiksed vöö sobivad ka lastele. Lai värvivalik, et sobiva tooni leiaks igaüks.
WATCH WEAR is a unique lifestyle and concept store. Our uniqueness and colorfulness lies behind our exclusive brands. Our mission is to diversify the selection of fashion items and accessories and offer interesting and sustainable brands in our market. We offer a wide selection of men’s and women’s clothing, footwear and accessories as well as gifts, home decor and other design goods. We care about the environment and expect the same from our brands. We make sure that the products in our product range are produced in accordance with fair trade practices and in the most sustainable manner possible. All products in Watch Wear stores and online store are of controlled origin. Peida